
She has my back, when I let her 
She is far more loyal than I give her credit for
Sometimes she has to raise her voice a bit
Sometimes she has to punch me square in the gut so I can hear her over the breath she takes away
She has quite a southpaw and can stun me flat
It's when she whispers in her patient shadows that things get shady 
She tells me things I already know and I pretend to not understand 
She has her own dialect that I unconsciously decipher 
It alternates between rhythmic beats of rushing blood and the tingling invisible on my skin
There are no fingerprints that I can see, just feel
And still, too often, I let her down
I question her methods, her voice, her value
She laughs - and might even roll her eyes - but continues to value herself, even when I don't 
She's tried to teach me that value for years
I've compromised under her weight 
I've tried to silence her with reprogramming 
I've crushed her heart with my suspicions and my outright denial of her
I've even allowed others into the space that belongs only to her
And yet, she is relentless in her dedication to me
She is beautifully violent in her commitment to herself!
What I search most for on this earth
What I seek to live out loud through my skin
She already is.
She is mine.
I am hers
She knows everyone
Even if they don't know her
Her name is Intuition. 


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