There are Giants in the Land

She had a heart that beat just a little too hard. It was often too loud. And much too fierce!

She managed her heart's continual rebellion by containing the madness.

She read countless times how the heart is deceitful and how the heart needs to be guarded.

She suffered great misunderstandings as a result.

And she grew to fear her heart.

After all,  her mind was wild and told her to be very afraid!

It raged and whispered at the same time. It assumed. It questioned. It concluded. It haunted.

Her mind could be brutal!

There were giants in the land and she had allowed the tyranny for far too long!

Until one day she decided to look at her heart differently.

And she found untapped bravery.

So she released her pounding heart!

Her mind was shocked into silence and was forced to simply watch her heart escape!

In an effort to scare her heart back into it's confined space, her mind released the giants!

Some were invisible and clotheslined her as she moved forwarded.

Some were disguised in familiarity and then betrayed her.

Some ridiculed her and even slapped her across the face with such force that she saw stars.

And with each fall and after each blow, she climbed back up and stood tall, refusing to retreat.

The invisible giants are being revealed and He is bringing them to their knees.

They are being slain, one by one, in truth and love and in great courage.

Her heart still has a story to tell about the adventures in uncharted territory.

A great story of victory - uncensored - unrated - and frighteningly real!


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