"Purple Sunshine"

What falls through the tree limbs and onto the leaves, reflects what can only be seen if you're standing in the right place at just the right moment. Its' source is raging in heat and overflows with the energy of shine. Sound vibrates the branches and warmth drips like honey onto the bark. Things are sticky and sweet and intriguing. Timing is impeccably important in this journey. Dilemmas are growing ripe in perspective and posture; Some beg to be savored and solved, while others hide and ripen, until it's safe to fall, tumbling gently to the ground below. It's magical energy carries with it a mystery that laces everything it touches. I've grown fond of the discovery of it but also a bit lost in the expectation of what may, or may not, come next. I'd bottle it up if it was possible. I'd dab a bit behind each ear, across my collar bone and on the inside of each wrist. I'd sip some through a silver straw and water my dreams with the rest of what's left.  "Purple Sunshine"is hard to come by... but watch for it carefully and you might just be surprised by what you find!


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