My Crown

When I was 17, I was just a wreck of a girl!

But there was this family.

And they took me in.

Then there was this moment.

A reference. A string of words.

"One of my daughters."

This family already had two of their own and yet, he called me one of his, when I no longer was.

When I was 13, one of those daughters had decided to choose me to be friends with. She had a sweet, accepting, and no doubt, a bit of rebellious heart, that inevitably led her to decide that being friends with me would be a good idea! Teenage judgment can be comical at times;)

That angel of a friend walked a hard road with me, when I didn't know how to.

She accepted all the broken parts of me and loved me anyway.

She shared her Father with me.

"One of His daughters."

And then He gave me a crown.

Over the years, I didn't wear it well.

I misplaced it during the move somewhere between high school and college.

I dug it out of storage though once during college and had it polished up. I planned to wear it with a pretty white dress.

But then I tripped and the crown flew off. It was too bent to put back on, so I didn't.

Instead, I put it on a shelf, where I could still see it, but strategically on the top shelf, so that it could be protected.

It collected dust and tarnished and patiently waited to be tried on again.

Then about ten years ago, I used a ladder to climb up and check on it.

And without any repair or replacement of parts, He carefully placed my crown back on my head.

And it fit perfectly!

I'll admit that occasionally I still have to be reminded to lift my chin so the crown doesn't slip.

And at other times, I've forgotten I was wearing it until I bumped my head trying to duck under things.

Once in a great while, I even look in the mirror and realize I have it on backwards; it just takes a little readjusting to set it right again!

But it doesn't come off anymore. 

He makes sure of that! 

The same words I heard at 17, without fail, I continue to hear just when I need to!

"You are one of My daughters."

and then I remember my crown.


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