Batter up!

There's a poet who claims to "write what's in her bones." That resonates with me, deeply.

I too am committed to "leaving this life, shattered." Fully experiencing everything that God allows in my life has been complicated and heavy at times. Nonetheless, wholeheartedness is still my favorite flavor!

Being all-in does set me up to take a few extra hits once in awhile. And I do bleed more in the process.

But I'm braver now.

And I've learned to lean in!

In 2013, I was impacted by countless people who left their invisible marks on me; Magical authors who gave new voices to old ideas; Lyrical geniuses that understood, even when I didn't; Distant places that gifted me unimaginable adventure; And a billion-and-half mini-moments that permeated my skin.

I lost a Doll that tore pieces of me to shreds. When the pieces were gathered and stitched back together, things were different. And I finally let that be okay.

I cried tears that I didn't even know I had. They came from a well named Acceptance; It held grief, sorrow, pain, joy, love, and hope. I've learned to get comfortable with the elixir.

I built priceless castles and carved waterways on friendship foundations, where loyalty, forgiveness and love abound. And they will stand the test of time because of it.

I continued to pour my life into a growing boy that is learning to explore the mountains, valleys and oceans courageously and with great respect for a God that is becoming his. I'm ridiculously proud of him!

I even abandoned the crazy notion that somehow my superhero cape, belt, shield, lasso and crown all equipped me to conquer every challenge and victoriously leap over mountains in a single bound. I'm retiring from that role. Maybe I'll just keep the crown:)

And I met a man. He encourages me to be gentle when I want to hit hard, kiddingly sets his alarm clock for 4am to embrace my madness, and continues to challenge me to try new things (sorry but menudo is still gross!) His friendship is sacred and Dad would have liked him.

God continues to show up in His crazy usual style, impacting my life with His curveball humor and His radical grace! I'm warmed up and ready for whatever God wants to throw my way! 

I even picked up my softball glove last year and discovered that I can still catch! 

So... batter up! 


  1. Wow... just wow. And, sis, you only need to look to the bleachers to find your group of supporting and loving fans.

  2. Admit it, the menudo wasn't that bad. You even kind of liked the hominy. ;)

    1. hominy is one thing ... intestinal parts are quite another! YUCK! ;)


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