Secret things

I recently read this: "Secret things belong to the Lord. And the future is a secret thing." I love the idea of secret things being protected so passionately and powerfully. I relished at the idea and was even reluctant (for 2 seconds!) to write about what they were whispering to me. But as usual, I dove in and swam through their laughter. I admit that I tend to get overly cerebral about things in general. Whether they're secret things or not, it doesn't seem to really matter. I've just been known to over-think everything! Until recently, that is. I discovered something wonderful, intimate and private about just showing up and being open to new adventures and possibilities. I have been pleasantly surprised by the fruit that's growing on the bravery vine that's crawling up the inside of my heart and is finding its' way into my head. Some of the fruit is begging to have my teeth sunk into them and the nectar drips like honey. Others are needing to be pruned and tossed to the birds to have their delightful way. The vine is flowering in my veins and their seeds are being carried in my blood. It's changing me, from the inside. Lately, I've found myself walking along the shoreline, just on the edge of here and there, of then and now. Fascinating things are happening there. I'm balancing with arms wide open and slightly on my tip toes, elevated just enough that I can trick myself into thinking that I might be floating. But as the tide comes in, I feel the Ocean wrapping itself around my ankles and drawing me in. I smile as the sand beneath my feet attempts to swallow me and reminds me to stay grounded, with feet firmly planted. And so I wait and I listen and I marvel at what's revealed along the edge of Ocean.  The earth's liquid vibrates its' secrets into me and I have to be still and surrendered in order to fully absorb the rhythm. And so I am .... and I wait for the Ocean to return.


  1. Lately, the creative mind within my child is spilling all over the pages she writes for others to absorb as her mind wonders...

  2. The words, the pictures, the emotions... nothing less than perfect.


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