
I woke up just before dawn the other morning to make an extra few wishes, since the stars were falling by the dozens.

I watched instants of the south-eastern sky being unzipped. I caught glimpses of the heavens shining through. Time streaked its' dust and I marveled.

I tried to capture some of the dust and weave it into thread. I wanted to use the thread to create connection. Inexplicable connection that only One knows well.

I saved some of the dust to melt into ink that I could use to bleed onto paper later. It's the kind of ink that electrifies the reader as he holds the page. The reader wants to let go, but can't... or won't. And the ink burns into memories.

Then there was this remnant dust... it was alive and lingered. It was too fine to catch. It sang and danced and settled where it wanted to.  It was set free. I could even hear some of it giggle as it hid... across the back of my neck, under my hair ...

Star-chasing can get messy and intentions get tangled. In pursuit of what I thought I wanted,  I almost missed what was all around me. In fact, I got so distracted in my endeavor, that I altogether forgot to make my wishes!

When I went back inside, I noticed that I was actually covered in something reflective; I think there were Divine wishes that may have fallen from the sky that night... or may have even been there all along. And it just took a little time for me to feel them on my skin.

Everything that I have been looking for, have been in search of, wishing, hoping and praying for, had actually already found me! All the wild-eyed adventures and heartbreaking voyages had brought me to the same place.



  1. Yet another awesome adventure, that is nothing short of lyrical. Thank you for bringing us along and leaving me with a peaceful smile.


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