Here's to Now ~

As I was preparing to embark on my next lap around the sun, in my usual over-thinking, over-feeling, and over-dreaming style, I sat down to create something.

Typically, it's a time to reflect, so I started to read back through pages of the last year.  I left them open, dusty and face up and decided that I wasn't comfortable with "typical."  I instead grabbed blank pages and laid them out before me, prepared to drench them in the ink of ideas for the next year. Their emptiness created such noise that I had to close my eyes. And when I did, this is what I heard!

A raging whisper commanded to be felt! It was afraid to be missed ... maybe even afraid to be unloved or un-welcomed.  After a swooning dance with a dizzy spell that threatened to sweep me out from under it,  Now wrapped itself around me and held me tightly.

I close my mind to what I think I know and I lean into it.

The yesterdays of last,  quietly fade into the fabric of Now. It has a vibrant life-beat that hums color and drips music. Its' warmth is vein-deep. It's pensively passionate and makes me private promises. Now is a collision of time that bleeds imagination. There are secrets that only grow in Now and feelings that can't be found anywhere else. There are no strings attached other than the ones I find loosely tangled in my pockets, so I release them and they wash away in the whisper.

I'm submerged in Now and my senses draw silent. I hear Now's energy crack and cradle and it calls to me to seek solace here.  I stay awhile and refuse to wander, knowing that the tomorrows of next will arrive right on schedule and with such reckoning of a mind all their own.  Now doesn't have to be much more than just this. And for me, for Now, that is enough.


  1. Wow...such a vivid experience, I'd swear it was 4th dimensional. Thank you for bringing these words to life!


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